Home • Aspergillus bicolor CBS425.77 v1.0
Maximum-Likelihood phylogeny generated by FastTree for Aspergillus bicolor CBS425.77 and related species
Maximum-Likelihood phylogeny generated by FastTree for Aspergillus bicolor CBS425.77 and related species

Aspergillus bicolor CBS425.77

This genome represents one of two metagenome-extracted genomes that were recovered from contaminated DNA and RNA samples, initially part of the Aspergillus whole-genus sequencing project.

The top two metagenome bins for this sample matched Aspergillus bicolor CBS425.77 and Sarocladium kiliense UNK. Binned DNA reads were assembled separately, and a shared transcriptome library was assembled by Trinity. Subsequently, the JGI Annotation Pipeline was used to produce structural and functional annotations.

Aspergillus is a ubiquitous and species-rich genus, currently containing more than 300 filamentous fungi. The genus covers a wide range of phenotypes and has a substantial economic foot print, as it includes fermenters of foodstuffs, key cell factories for production of enzymes and organic acids, plant pathogens, model organisms for cell biology, human opportunistic pathogens, producers of animal and human mycotoxins, and degraders of a wide range of organic biomass relevant for bioenergy conversion.